
Skin, Holistic, Beauty Treatments

and Well-being Clinic 

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Massage, Healing, Body and Mind


 Massage and Healing 

          Face, Body and Mind

Holistic Facials and Massage

Relax, Balance & Cleanse Treatment

Full body massage with light relaxing sweeping pressures with a gentle foot scrub and massage going into body.  Gwasha scraping finishing with a scalp massage and Palo Santo cleanse .

(The treatment can be adapted if needed )

90 minutes


Gua Sha Treatment

Gua Sha is a natural, alternative therapy that involves scraping your skin with a massage tool to improve your circulation. This ancient Chinese healing technique may offer a unique approach to better health, addressing issues like chronic pain. 

In Gua Sha, we scrape your skin with short or long strokes to stimulate microcirculation of the soft tissue, which increases blood flow. 

Gua Sha is intended to address stagnant energy, called chi, in the body that practitioners believe may be responsible for inflammation. Inflammation is the underlying cause of several conditions associated with chronic pain. Rubbing the skin’s surface is thought to help break up this energy, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

45 minutes



Holistic Facial

Like the rest of our body, the face has a large number of muscles that can get tight and hold onto stress. As part of this holistic facial treatment the emphasis is on providing a relaxing massage routine that will leave your muscles feeling relaxed and rejuvenated, and your skin looking and feeling fabulous.


Massage begins on your neck and shoulders, releasing all the tension, stress and muscle fatigue in your upper body. During the treatment I will also provide a wonderfully, slow, relaxing massage to the muscles of the face and finishes off with a wonderful head massage. 

Throughout your treatment I will also perform lymphatic drainage and acupressure point massage techniques. 

60 minutes


Holistic Massage Benefits 

The massage: 

• Increases blood circulation and lymphatic drainage to skin and muscles. 

• Increases cellular activity. 

• Improves texture of skin. 

• Stimulates removal of toxins and waste products from tissues. 

• Relieves tension 

Massage Treatments


Swedish massage is the most common and best-known type of massage in the West. If it's your first time or you don't get a massage often, Swedish massage is the best place to start. The Swedish back and body massages use a combination of many different techniques rolled into one session. During this therapy session, the therapist will work with the soft tissues and muscles in the body to help improve your circulation, soothe muscles, restore balance and health and help you feel more relaxed. 

A Swedish massage for the back or full body is a perfect way for anyone who is overly worked and feeling stressed. By relieving muscle tension, a Swedish massage can be both relaxing and energising. It is also a benefit to help aid recovery after an injury


Swedish Full body massage

60 min:


Swedish deep tissue massage

70 min:


Swedish Back, neck and shoulder massage

30 min:


Full body massage including Indian head massage to incorporate the whole body experience.  Complete relaxing treatment. 

90 min:


Hot Stone Massage


Hot stone massage is used to help you to relax and ease tense muscles and damaged soft tissue throughout your body. During this massage smooth flat heated stones are placed on specific parts of your body to allow deeper pressure to those areas without causing discomfort

60 min: 



Hot Stone Massage Back, neck and shoulder

30 min:



Indian Head Massage


A relaxing holistic treatment using acupressure massage to release stress that accumulated in the tissues, muscles and joints of the head, face, neck and shoulders. Aiming to rebalance your body’s energies with many benefits. Renews energy levels stimulates lymphatic drainage. Relief of migraines etc.

40 min:


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