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Sports Massage and Treatments

   Sports Massage and Treatments

Sports Massage Treatments and Rehabilitation

Initial Consultation / Assessment - 60 mins £40

Sports Therapy / Injury Rehab - 60 mins £60

Sports Therapy / Injury Rehab - 40 mins £40

Sports Therapy / Injury Rehab - 30 mins £30

So, what's the difference? In short, Physiotherapists are experts in movement and Sports Therapists are experts in muscles and sports injuries.

What is a Sports Therapist?

Sports Therapist is a distinct occupational title that applies to a clearly defined scope of practice.
A Sports Therapist, who is a Member of The Sports Therapy Organisation, an allied health professional who has the knowledge, skills and ability to:

*      utilise sports and exercise principles to optimise performance, preparation and injury prevention programmes

*      provide the immediate care of injuries and basic life support in a recreational, training, occupational & competitive environment

*      assess, treat, rehabilitate and, where and if appropriate, refer on for specialist advice and intervention.

*      provide appropriate soft tissue interventions in a sport & exercise context

*      plan and implement appropriate rehabilitation and return to training/work programmes

Sports Therapy treatment has grown in recent years, and is actually quite a misleading term. Whilst originally focusing on the rehabilitation of sports people from injury, as well as injury prevention and performance enhancement, it really is suitable and beneficial for anyone suffering from musculo-skeletal dysfunctions and PAIN, for whatever reason - whether that be because of a personal or sporting injury, our occupation or just modern daily life. Modern day lifestyles of sitting at a computer, driving, manual jobs, office jobs can all contribute to impaired functionality. Treatments are tailored-made to the individual, and may include the following techniques.

Postural assessment & corrections

Joint and muscle testing

Sports & Remedial Massage

Myofascial Release

Soft Tissue Release & Mobilisation

Joint Mobilisations

Muscle Energy Techniques

Trigger Point Therapy

Mobility & Stretching exercises

Strength & Corrective Exercise Therapy

"What you are is what you have been. What you’ll be is what you do now."

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